In Hesse, there are five options after the primary school: Hauptschule, Realschule, Mittelstufenschule, Gesamtschule and Gymnasium.

The school system
Primary school

In Hesse, the primary school takes 4 years to accomplish.

After the primary school, parents decide which school their child attends next. The school staff help them decide by providing their recommendation. There are five options to choose from: 


  • Hauptschule
  • Realschule
  • Mittelstufenschule
  • Gesamtschule
  • Gymnasium 

The Hauptschule starts in with 5th grade and ends after accomplishing the 9th or the 10th grade. The Hauptschule prepares your child for their professional career from early stages. Here, students can graduate with einfachen Hauptschulabschluss or qualifizierenden Hauptschulabschluss (after 9th grade) or the Mittleren Abschluss/ Realschulabschluss (after 10th grade). Any of the school-leaving certificates mentioned above suffice for starting a vocational training. In case your child has very good grades, he/she can also continue his/her studies and go for an Abitur.


The Realschule starts in the 5th grade and ends with the 9th or 10th grade. The main goal here is to graduate with a Mittlere Schulabschluss after the 10th grade. The students, however, can also graduate with a certificate equal to Hauptschulabschluss after the 9th or 10th grade. Any of the certificates above will qualify your child for a vocational training. In case your child has very good grades, he/she can also continue his/her studies and go for an Abitur.


A Mittelstufenschule could be described as a merger of Hauptschule and Realschule. The Mittelstufenschule starts with the 5th grade. Here, in most subjects, students learn together (up to the 8th grade), regardless of the school-leaving certificate they plan to obtain. In the 8th grade, students have to decide which certificate they want to opt for. In a Mittelstufenschule, your child can graduate with the einfachen Hauptschulabschluss or qualifizierenden Hauptschulabschluss (after 9th or 10th grade) or the Mittleren Schulabschluss (after 10th grade). With a Hauptschulabschluss, your child can start a vocational training. With a Mittleren Schulabschluss, your child can either opt for vocational training or go for university education.


The Gesamtschule starts with the 5th grade. Here your child has the possibility to graduate with any school-leaving certificate they would like. There are two types of Gesamtschule schools: 

  • Kooperative Gesamtschule: Here, there are three different levels to choose from- - the Hauptschule level, the Realschule level and Gymnasium level. Your child must choose on of these levels of performance, but it is possible to switch between later. 
  • Integrated Gesamtschule: Here all children learn together up to the 10th grade, regardless of the school-leaving certificate they plan to obtain. There are at least two courses with different performance requirements for each subject. 

In a Gesamtschule, students can graduate with einfachen Hauptschulabschluss or qualifizierende Hauptschulabschluss (after the 9th grade), the Realschulabschluss (after the 10th grade) or the Abitur (after the 13th grade). Any of these school-leaving certificates can qualify your child for a vocational training. But to go to university, students need to graduate with an Abitur.


The Gymnasium starts with the 5th grade and ends (with the Abitur) after the 12th grade. In a Gymnasium, children have to study more and be very diligent. Those who leave the Gymnasium after the 9th or 10th grade, often automatically qualify for -at least- the Hauptschulabschluss or Realschulabschluss. With an Abitur, your child will be able to choose between university education and vocational training.

How can I register my child at school?
When should refugee children start school?

Once you leave the initial reception facility, your child must go to school.

The school responsible for your child is the school closest to your home or accommodation centre. Children who do not speak German sufficiently yet should initially attend special German classes.

The staff at your accommodation centre will assist you in the registration process.

When and where can I enrol my child?

During the year before your child goes to school, you will receive a letter from the primary school responsible for him/her with all the necessary information and an appointment. You then have to register your child there on the designated date. While registering, your child will be examined by a doctor and his German language skills will be tested.

The employees in your child's kindergarten can provide you advise regarding the registration process.

General Information on Schools

Information and regulations that apply in all federal states.

Schools in Germany

Schools in Germany
Which school is the right one?

Education in Germany is regulated at the federal state level, meaning each of the 16 federal states has its school sy

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